An asymptomatic carrier state has been reported, where individuals show no clinical signs of disease but are capable of infecting others.
Later it was found that there was a type of mosquito which acted as the carrier of this disease and passed it on to the rabbits.
However, a child of two carriers has only a 25% chance of receiving two trait genes and developing the disease, and a 50% chance of being a carrier.
Inquisition language, as the information carrier on observing and describing disease status, makes it possible for patients to communicate well with doctors to acknowledge disease information.
After every clinical symptoms vanishing, the cause of disease carries the time within 3 months, is called the temporary cause of disease carrier: Surpasses 3 months.
Like dysentery, typhus, diphtheria, the epidemic brain keel turns the membrane inflammation and hepatitis B and so on, may have the recovery period cause of disease carrier.
Recovery period cause of disease carrier: After referring to clinical symptoms vanishing, continues to carry with the discharge of bacteria pathogen.
This article reviewed the therapeutic use of chitosan as artificial lacrima, medical viscoelastic material, carrier of drug delivery systems and so on in ophthalmic disease.
Like diphtheria, keel position gray matter inflammation and so on, common healthy cause of disease carrier.
As the carrier of energy, the laser can be used in the treatment of disease; as the carrier of information, it can be used in the diagnosis of disease. The combination of the two forms laser medicine.
If the mother of the proband is a carrier, the chance of transmitting the disease-causing mutation in each pregnancy is 50%.
Once thought to be a passive carrier of genetic information, RNA now is understood to perform a number of other vital roles in the cell, and its malfunction can lead to disease.
Article 30 When an employing unit recruits a person, it shall not use as a pretext that he is a pathogen carrier of an infectious disease to refuse to employ him.
In the raw meat, salmonella disease carrier rate is high(12.0%), the main serogroup for salmonella derby;
In the raw meat, salmonella disease carrier rate is high(12.0%), the main serogroup for salmonella derby;