Adrian and Lisa enter the back gate of the yard, carrying groceries into the house.
Their light weight, low cost, and water resistance3 make them so convenient for carrying groceries, clothing, and other daily purchases that it's hard to imagine life without them.
Their light weight, low cost, and water resistance make them so convenient for carrying groceries, clothing, and other routine purchases that it's hard to imagine life without them.
Mama came in the back door carrying two bags of groceries.
A 16-year-old asked a stranger at a grocery store to buy him and his mother some food in exchange for carrying the man's groceries to his car.
In Italy and Switzerland, fleets of trucks carrying milk and dairy products, heating oil, and groceries all use ant-foraging rules to find the best routes for deliveries.
And not something easy like carrying the groceries in from the car, but something that requires some time and effort — like cooking all the meals over a weekend, or cleaning the entire house.
A mile travelled by a large truck full of groceries is not the same as a mile travelled by a sport-utility vehicle carrying a bag of salad.
Daily housework, gardening, washing Windows, using the stairs, carrying your groceries, walking at the mall, or riding bikes with the kids all add up to exercise that benefits your heart.
While for Aunt Liu, who is from Shuangjin Community in Chaoyang District, says it is no longer a problem of carrying heavy groceries back from the supermarket.
Arnie's car broke down on the road that ran alongside the 4 trailer park, just as Ma and her mom were coming back from the store, each carrying a bag of groceries.
She came in the back door carrying two bags of groceries.
And if I see a woman carrying a lot of groceries, I will always stop to help her out.
And if I see a woman carrying a lot of groceries, I will always stop to help her out.