Eastern Europeans are also cross about the European Union's recent carve-up of top jobs.
This dates not from some carve-up in the last century, but from 1699 when Bosnia was part of the Ottoman Empire.
Santander has strengthened its presence in Brazil, where it bought Banco Real in the carve-up of ABN AMRO in 2007.
The deal with BP legitimises the Kremlin's carve-up of Yukos, and converts a portion of its ill-gotten gains into something liquid and secure-bp shares.
与英石油达成的交易使得克里姆林宫对尤科斯公司的资产分赃合法化了,同时把这些“赃物”转换成了一些流动性资产和有保障资产- - - - -比如英石油的股份。
This article deals with the circular interpolation adopting the method of time carve-up, the determining of motional particle and the elimination of error accumulation.
Danny Alexander, the former Treasury minister, is poised to move to Beijing in a hotly contested carve-up of senior posts at China's new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
While there have been fears that Putin's departure from the presidency this spring would provoke a fresh carve-up of assets, the Finans survey seems to suggest that the party is far from over.
"That way, people still get the presentation of the dishes as they were designed, but can carve them up however they like," Hill says.
Other countries with competing tribes manage to carve up economic interests and keep rivalries in check.
With its future on a knife-edge, GM delivered a blunt warning that unless its creditors accepted the plan, it would declare bankruptcy and leave the courts to carve up the company.
The old media giants are working together to kill off innovative online competitors and carve up the market for themselves.
If one firm cut its prices, destroying the unspoken deal to carve up the market, it would succeed only in starting a price war.
Unfortunately, the result has not been competition to beat down prices and boost speeds, but cosy duopolies that keep bandwidth scarce and carve the market up between incumbents.
Hardware virtualization has allowed customers to take a single system and carve it up into many different partitions.
Yet it is another kind of commercial attempt to carve up the Internet that is causing more concern.
David Finkle, 30, came up with his idea after a competition last year over who could carve the best design into a pumpkin.
No doubt there are corporate raiders who would love to take over HP and carve it up their own way.
Steve and Big Tony handled distribution, renting safe houses to store the loads and carve them up for local dealers.
On May 29th a consortium led by Royal bank of Scotland (RBS) sweetened its bid for the big Dutch bank, offering 79% cash and a bit more clarity about how the three co-bidders would carve it up.
To understand the essence of imperialism to carve up China.
A digger had be2en brought in to cut a path up the hill and carve out three trenches, each about 50 metres (160ft) long and more than 1.5 metres deep.
The dark days when imperialism could carve up the world at will are gone for ever.
I am gonna carve your face up, huh?
How to make use of geologic parameter and production data is important to carve up production and then to study the dynamics of gas reservoir.
One way to carve up a market is to identify preference segments.
Ask the man in the shop to carve the meat up for you.
Simply put, it's up to you to carve out your place in the work world and know when to change course.
Simply put, it's up to you to carve out your place in the work world and know when to change course.