You will convert the carvone to its semicarbazone for use in a polarimetric analysis.
You will obtain infrared spectra of the carvone and limonene fractions and interpret the results.
Which features in the IR spectrum can be assigned to limonene? To carvone? Identify as many functional groups as you can in each sample.
When carvone begins to distill, the condensation can be seen inside the thermometer adapter, thus the progress of carvone distillation can be readily monitored.
This may create a problem because peppermint, with its menthol and derivatives, is an effective digestive aid whereas spearmint, which contains mainly carvone, is not.
Using the refractive index data determine the approximate composition of your oil, your carvone fraction and your limonene fraction with respect to limonene and carvone.
The compounds are obtained by using carvone as an initial raw material through chlorination reaction, condensation reaction, sodium borohydride reduction and Huang Min-lon reduction reaction.
The compounds are obtained by using carvone as an initial raw material through chlorination reaction, condensation reaction, sodium borohydride reduction and Huang Min-lon reduction reaction.