Her hair tumbled in a cascade down her back.
Or, attach a bright bow with long ribbons to your waist so that strips of color cascade down the back of your dress.
Behind them waterfalls cascade down in the silvery light.
The poppy fields that once covered the fertile mountainsides are long gone, replaced by terraced tea plantations that cascade down the steep slopes to the valleys below.
The complexity of structured finance made it difficult to know how losses would cascade down the ladder of investors in securitised assets.
Conceptually and logically, your choice about which action to take should be aligned with the commitments you have identified at the highest levels and cascade from there down the hierarchy.
A CEO who signals their belief in the importance of open, honest feedback will create a cascade effect — a feedback fountain that flows down throughout the organization.
When it rained, water would cascade down the window.
At the opposite extreme, there is a cascade of drivel that starts with the CEO and flows down through everyone in the organisation.
However, many viruses can outsmart that system by blocking one of the steps further down the cascade.
In particular, its iTunes Store gives it control of the tollgate through which billions of paid-for music tracks and albums, videos and apps cascade down to millions of customers worldwide.
尤其是,苹果通过iTunes Store,掌控着一个巨大的收费门户,数十亿付费音乐、视频和应用通过它流向遍及全球的数百万用户。
The angular edges of the balconies, with each floor set back a meter from the one below, compels the steel grid to cascade down the four-storey face of the house, warping as it goes.
Down rippled the brown cascade.
Flowing down from high above, the cascade looks like a sliding board.
The checks and balances then cascade down to the level of each trading-desk head, the front-line where decisions to buy and sell are made almost instantly.
When it rained, water would cascade down the window.
Conclusion Mannitol has a protective effect on rabbits with ALI through effecting various cascade reaction of inflammatory injury and down regulating of the generation and expression of CEC and IL-8.
结论甘露醇可能通过影响炎症损伤级联反应的多个环节,抑制CEC、IL - 8等多种效应因子的产生和表达,从而对ALI发挥防治作用。
The water formed a cascade down the mountain.
She watched the magnificent waterfall cascade down the mountainside.
With 20 or so people waiting to cascade themselves down rushing water, this can take some time, but it's also a chance to hike and explore the area.
The river falls in a series of cascade down towards the lake.
The river falls in a series of cascade down towards the lake.