Locates the specified type from this assembly and creates an instance of it using the system activator, with optional case-sensitive search.
Returns the specified type, specifying whether to make a case-sensitive search of the module and whether to throw an exception if the type cannot be found.
It's important to note that the Contains method always does a case-sensitive search; if we looked for the string RIPT, Contains would tell us that this text could not be found.
注意到Contains方法总是采取大小写敏感搜索是很重要的。如果我们查找字符串ript, Contains将会告诉我们这个文本不能被找到。
It is bizarrely sensitive to case, but lacks all the features we've come to expect from search.
Note: I have found that I had to tick Case sensitive when entering data into the search box, otherwise nothing would return from the search.
For this example, the search string is also converted to lowercase, resulting in a search that is not case-sensitive.
Case sensitive : search is performed with respect to the letter-case of the words (default is to ignore letter-case)
This will search for all files and directories with "searchstring" in the name, and -i means the search is not case sensitive (i.e. it will find searchstring, searchstring, searchstring, and so on).
这条命令将会搜索所有名字里包含“searchstring”的文件和文件夹,而- i意味着搜索是不区分大小写的(也就是说它会搜索searchstring, searchstring, searchstring等等)。
The search performed by this method is not case-sensitive.
The search performed by this method is not case-sensitive.