If you have a mortgage, he says, keep cash on hand equal to about 20% of your outstanding mortgage principal balance plus whatever you need in the cash Kitty.
This mostly involves "express kidnaps", in which the victim is required to hand over all his cash, or extortion from small businesses.
Having cash on hand in a volatile market gives you the flexibility to purchase assets in the future at discounted prices.
Some of these startups look great on paper, but, in the end, the whole intention is to quickly flip these businesses to a company that has plenty of cash on hand.
A big challenge will be getting the cars to the cash-in-hand customers, which is why the automakers are carefully selecting their early sales markets.
If, on the other hand, the shares have risen, he can settle up with the bank in cash.
They are also anxious to keep cash on hand in case Europe's debt troubles lead to a new market freeze.
Alongside a rapid build-up of debt by some households there has been an increase in cash deposits by others (see right-hand chart).
Cash on hand had shrunk to a point where a little cash we had was kind of kept in international markets that we couldn't access it.
Her advice is to steer clear of commission, or cash-in-hand jobs, many of which are exploitative.
Yet the change in the dividend also hurts current shareholders, who likely wanted the cash in hand, rather than more UBS stock.
UBS became the latest financial firm to go to Asia and the Middle East hat in hand, hoping to raise enough cash to patch the holes in its balance sheet caused by its holdings of subprime mortgages.
Since investors did not have to hand over cash, but ended up with an asset they could use to buy goods, this was, in effect, a case of money creation.
I get the impression that the cash reserves - the "minimum base liquidity" - is merely the minimum Whitehead believes we should have on hand to aid in our cash flow.
With over 10,000 tael of cash at hand, he should hesitate on whether to engage in foreign affairs or resell of raw silk.
With over 10, 000 tael of cash at hand, he should hesitate on whether to engage in foreign affairs or resell of raw silk.
As part of Wednesday's moves, the Reserve bank of India cut in the amount of cash Banks must leave on hand with it by one percentage point to 6.5%.
She was also sceptical about selling to WFP, as she was used to being paid cash in hand from traders, and knew that it would take longer to receive her payment from WFP.
The retailer would then wrap up the cash in plastic bags and hand it to shareholders with a smile.
I have no cash in hand — I am out of cash.
Consisting of cash on hand, cash in bank, revolving funds and petty cash, but cash that is either restricted to be used only for specified purposes or by regulation or contracts is excluded.
Today, at work, an elderly lady came up to the cash register with a flyer in her hand, and asked if we had a certain item.
A corporation may have on hand a large amount of cash that is not needed immediately, but this cash may be needed later In operatIng the busIness.
Surveys are one thing. But what happens when people have cash in hand, and an order to spend that money before sundown?
With an one-million-pound banknote ready in hand, Henry was able to get whatever he wanted without paying cash.
In the U. S., travellers can easily cash the cheques at hand.
In the U. S., travellers can easily cash the cheques at hand.