Cash flow from operating activities - This section measures the cash used or provided by a company's normal operations.
The "Net Cash from Operating Activities" reveals that Microsoft generated $14.6 billion in positive cash flow from its usual business operations - a good sign.
Net cash flow per share from operating activities is relevant to the fluctuation of stock prices in separate years.
In the cash flow are also less than ideal, cash flows generated from operating activities net -7070.8 million.
在现金流方面也不甚理想,经营活动产生的现金流量净额为- 7070.8万。
In the cash flow are also less than ideal, cash flows generated from operating activities net -7070.8 million.
在现金流方面也不甚理想,经营活动产生的现金流量净额为- 7070.8万。