There is no human supervision, but an attendant will be on hand to accept cash and explain the system to newly users.
Even a company that is shown to be profitable according to accounting standards can go under if there isn't enough cash on hand to pay bills.
They are also anxious to keep cash on hand in case Europe's debt troubles lead to a new market freeze.
Having cash on hand in a volatile market gives you the flexibility to purchase assets in the future at discounted prices.
Power generation facilities like Deere's massive wind farms are a bargain for big firms like Exelon who have cash on hand.
Perhaps the most impressive figure is cash on hand.
Anecdotally, financial planners say young clients are keeping more cash on hand, and online Banks such as ing Direct have rolled out savings accounts with slightly higher interest rates.
根据各种迹象来看,理财规划师说青年客户们打算保留更多的现金,而类似ING Direct的网络银行最近也推出了略微提高了利息的存款账。
If you have a mortgage, he says, keep cash on hand equal to about 20% of your outstanding mortgage principal balance plus whatever you need in the cash Kitty.
Some of these startups look great on paper, but, in the end, the whole intention is to quickly flip these businesses to a company that has plenty of cash on hand.
Texas Instruments said it will fund the deal through a combination of cash on hand and company-issued debt.
He adds that he is keeping cash on hand to scoop up assets should markets correct further.
Without cash on hand, the firm can't facilitate trades for its clients or meet margin calls for its own proprietary trades.
Suppose we were to graph a household's consumer spending as a function of cash-on-hand, which equals current income plus liquid assets, holding constant expected future income.
Banks are insisting on higher deposits from would-be homeowners, for instance, but such hurdles are less of an impediment for those with lots of cash on hand.
You say you want to feel better, live longer, and even have a little extra cash on hand? Easy. Just quit smoking.
One firm that does have the cash on hand to do a deal is Corzine's old employer, Goldman Sachs.
Cash on hand had shrunk to a point where a little cash we had was kind of kept in international markets that we couldn't access it.
Bank branches do not keep a lot of cash on hand.
You say you want to feel better, live longer, and even have a little extra cash on hand?
Many Indian residents found themselves with little still-legal cash on hand ahead of a forcibly imposed bank holiday and a two-day shutdown of ATMs.
Don't worry. The property prices there are very low. If you sell your present flat, you can afford a huge house there with lots of cash on hand.
I am sorry Ihave no cash on hand.
To ensure that unused checks and other bank forms are safely stored and that all measures are taken to protect cash on hand at any point of sale and General Cashier's room.
To ensure that unused checks and other bank forms are safely stored and that all measures are taken to protect cash on hand at any point of sale and General Cashier's room.