Other negotiable instruments and cash on deposit in Banks are also considered to be money.
With cash on deposit yielding not much more than zero in many rich countries, there has been a powerful rally in most financial markets.
While cash was king for much of 2007, yields on instruments such as money-market accounts and certificates of deposit have dropped along with short-term interest rates.
For instance, they vary reserve requirements (cash that commercial Banks must keep on deposit at the central bank) or impose quantitative limits on bank lending.
The deposit rate it pays to Banks on their excess cash is one percentage point below its policy rate, and provides a floor for overnight interest rates.
Britain is considering imposing a cash deposit on visitors if they come from what the UK believes as a high risk nation.
Sorry, you can't pay on credit, because your deposit is not enough. Would you please pay cash?
When a deposit account customer has a large bill to pay and does not wish to carry cash, the bank can issue a cheque drawn on an account maintained.
The Company maintains cash which is not presently required for operations on deposit which earns interest at a floating rate.
Also, if both guests are paying by cash, the charges need to be routed to the payer account, or a deposit left on the payee account.
Some measures are set forth on how to strengthen the auditing of cash and bank deposit.
Based on the public data, the paper analyzes the effect of those characteristics and deposit of those free cash flows.
Most Banks that now have cash prefer to deposit funds at the European Central bank (ECB), which in turn lends it on to those that are short of it.
The Lessee shall on time pay the cash deposit, rent, electricity, telephone, distance calls and telex fees as well as other service charges relating to the Leased Premises.
The Lessee shall on time pay the cash deposit, rent, electricity, telephone, distance calls and telex fees as well as other service charges relating to the Leased Premises.