Returned to other Member States as part of a cash surplus.
On the contrary, the cash shortage subsidiaries could delay the payment to the cash surplus subsidiaries.
Few people have large sums of surplus cash.
Companies often have surplus cash and Banks surplus deposits.
The conclusions drawn from such an analysis are to transfer the surplus cash from a conglomerate’s cash cows to the stars and the question marks, and to close down or sell off the dogs.
Such a large sum of surplus cash can cause a bubble.
Mr Bout’s old connections certainly helped him build a global empire in the 1990s, trading the surplus armouries of the Soviet empire for cash and minerals.
布特先生得益于过去的方方面面的关系。 前苏联军工产品生产过剩,他通过买卖这些军火,挣得了大量的现金和矿产,一个遍布全球的“布特”商业帝国在上世纪90年代得以建立。
Such people, land-rich but cash-poor, may now submit their credits to the state treasury for a full cash refund whenever the state budget is in surplus.
How to distribute fair the surplus excess profit between the proprietor and the owner is the key of Discounted Cash Flow in mining right evaluation.
The surplus cash will put into the safe , when we need we can take out it.
And as for security surplus cash multiples (SSCM), net operating cash flow per share (NCFPS) have not passed obviously t test.
But a surplus of the cash crop in the global market, the rising cost of production, and potential drought all threaten one of Kenya's cornerstone industries, which supports two million people.
I hope that you can explain the origin of the surplus cash.
Funds that do have surplus cash are holding it in expectation of redemptions from spooked clients, or redeploying it in America where a correct bet on a restructuring opportunity can make a career.
Then, we viewed our houses as money machines that would always provide a surplus of cash on a moment's notice, since real estate "never goes down in value."
Then, we viewed our houses as money machines that would always provide a surplus of cash on a moment's notice, since real estate "never goes down in value."