She cast around desperately for a safe topic of conversation.
The experiments with domestication probably occurred in many places, as people living in ever-drier environments cast around for more predictable food supplies.
John cast around for a good subject for his report.
The company is having to cast around feverishly for ways to cut its costs.
Whatever spells his enemies had cast around the Soul, he would tear through them.
Some of Mr Annan's American critics called for his removal as secretary-general and cast around for sticks to beat him with.
YouTube and its rivals have cast around for more sophisticated ways to present advertising for some time but without finding an answer.
At times like that the instinctive reaction is to childishly and peevishly cast around in search of somebody else to blame, but the real truth is self-evident and undeniable.
The enchantments they had cast around themselves ought to be sufficient, in the near total darkness, to shield them from the notice of Muggles and normal witches and wizards.
Health is key, and age makes that more difficult, but with the right moves in building a supporting cast around the Big Four, the Celtics are in the mix, especially in a shortened season.
The willow trees cast their shadows all around.
One day around 1950, as he passed a demolition site, he saw lying on the sidewalk the head of a cherub, cast in terra cotta.
The light arrives at a low angle, however, as the Sun makes a daily circuit around the horizon, and icebergs cast long shadows over the surrounding sea ice.
Sitting around a table with its 30-something mandarins is more like meeting junior partners at Goldman Sachs or McKinsey than the cast of "Yes, Minister".
To create an "in-the-dream" atmosphere, they put the audience in the center of the theater and the cast performed around them.
There have been plenty of rumors swirling around cast departures on "Grey's Anatomy," but now a co-star is reporting that two actors are indeed leaving the show.
A way to work around this is to cast the return of the query to a VARCHAR using a cast function.
The criticisms will cast a shadow over the climate conference in Durban, South Africa, which begins tomorrow, in the latest attempt to stabilise greenhouse gas levels around the world.
The walk is really little more than a cultural touchstone and a literary conceit, the event around which McCann has assembled his cast.
Verizon's V CAST is a good example of this; at an average bitrate of around 400kbps, an hours worth of television would require 180MB of data.
Verizon的V CASV就是一个很好的例子;在平均400kbps的比特率,一个小时的电视需要180MB大。
Around a third of the electorate is expected to cast its vote before election day on November 4th.
Voters will cast ballots for all 435 numbers of the House Representatives, plus around a third of the seats in the Senate.
I was focusing on where and how the building cast shadows, how to form the land around the building, and how the form would reinforce my concept and performance, among other things.
As light snow fell intermittently, small crowds gathered around large-screen televisions showing reruns of Sunday afternoon's concert featuring a star-studded cast.
I like the following way because it's simple and straightforward. It focuses on four personality types — and I think it describes the cast of characters running around this planet pretty well.
I like the following way because it's simple and straightforward. It focuses on four personality types — and I think it describes the cast of characters running around this planet pretty well.