Castillo DE San Marcos soon became Fort Saint Mark.
The Castillo DE San Marcos grew very slowly. It took twenty-three years to complete.
To reach the Castillo de San Marcos you must drive through part of the city of Saint Augustine.
Today, the Castillo DE San Marcos still seems to protect the city of Saint Augustine. However, no enemy has attacked since the year seventeen forty.
A year ago my husband and I went on a road trip to Florida. We stopped at st Augustine to look at the remains of the Castillo DE San Marcos fortress.
It is the story of an old military base, the Castillo de San Marcos. It was built in the oldest permanent European settlement in the United States -- Saint Augustine, in the southern state of Florida.
我们今天所要讲述的故事是有关航运、探险、海盗侵扰及战争,这是一个古老的军事基地的故事----卡斯特罗.德.圣马科斯堡 (以下简称圣马科斯堡),该城堡建于美国最早的欧洲永久殖民地----圣奥古斯丁,它位于美国南部的佛罗里达州。
It is the story of an old military base, the Castillo de San Marcos. It was built in the oldest permanent European settlement in the United States -- Saint Augustine, in the southern state of Florida.
我们今天所要讲述的故事是有关航运、探险、海盗侵扰及战争,这是一个古老的军事基地的故事----卡斯特罗.德.圣马科斯堡 (以下简称圣马科斯堡),该城堡建于美国最早的欧洲永久殖民地----圣奥古斯丁,它位于美国南部的佛罗里达州。