Most guys eventually catch up in terms of growth, although some will always be taller or more muscular than others - it's in their genes.
But although consumption per mouth in poorer countries has far to go to catch up with the West (see chart), growth is set to slow, predicts Nomura.
While inflation isn't at worrying levels, the fear is some countries will have to play catch-up later to tame prices, and in the process snuff out economic growth.
When household incomes catch up with overall growth, they will probably start consuming more and gross national savings will fall.
It was a long way for us to catch up but in the past years demand for Spanish has experienced vertiginous growth.
At current growth rates India's Banks will catch up in a decade.
Poorer economies have more potential for catch-up growth.
For years those opponents have argued that the Kirchners' growth-at-all-costs strategy would catch up with them.
Without a well-educated population, China will not be able to achieve its planned economic growth, catch up with the developed nations technologically or improve its people's living conditions.
Conclusions: Systematic child health care promote the early catch-up growth of SGA baby, at the same time, obesity incidence are limited.
The direct and indirect influence of China's rapid economic catch-up and its increasing growth, are playing a unique and important role during this period of historical transition.
From 1998 to 2003, the feed industry started catch up to income growth and entered a consolidating adjustment period.
From 1998 to 2003, the feed industry started catch up to income growth and entered a consolidating adjustment period.