To cater to the need of the customers, we produce marketable fashions in a small batch. Business talks are welcome.
本厂根据客户需要,生产适销对路的小批量时装,欢迎前来洽谈业务。 收藏。
That change was owing to the influence of iron coin casting and circulation and to cater to the need of military actions.
Strategic alliance with other printer and reflow oven company to cater to the need of the customers for total line solution.
Most often the Genco has an in-house price forecast tool based on available forecasting methods such as the conventional linear regression analysis technique, to cater to the need of a price forecast.
Our plans need to be flexible enough to cater for the needs of everyone.
I personally regret this development, but the basic bachelor's education now has to cater to people who really need a piece of paper to find a decent job.
There is no need for us to cater to the expectations of our parents, instead, we should ask ourselves what we want.
Instead of aiming for a niche in an attempt to find a 'gap in the market', or to fill a hole that probably doesn't need filling, they cater to a wide range purposes.
Collaborative multiplayer games cater to the need to feel part of a group.
It was vitally important that proper training schemes be developed to cater for the needs of both internal auditors and internal audit senior staff, but the crucial need was for basic level training.
As we will see, most of the complexities of hedge fund structures result from the need to benefit from regulatory exemptions and/or to cater to the needs of specific taxable or nontaxable investors.
But the basic bachelor's education now has to cater to people who really need a piece of paper to find a decent job.
How make the movie work cater to an appreciate of audience need, how is compete a vigorous movie market to occupy a place, is a movie creator the problem of the thinking.
In timeliness, the program is suitable for instantly background, cater to the psychological need of current people and the appropriate period of broadcasting;
Instead of aiming for a niche8) in an attempt to find a "gap in the market", or to fill a hole that probably doesn't need filling, they cater to a wide range purposes.
Designers need to know the changing behaviors of consumers and cater to them.
Le Murraya's management team is responsive to the wishes and suggestions of each and every guest, and has appointed a Guest Relations Officer at the hotel to cater for your every need.
牡丽雅度假酒店紧随这个充满活力岛屿的变化,引领潮流,为游客奉上小岛最优的服务。 牡丽雅酒店的管理团队关注每位游客的期望与建议,酒店内有一位客户关系经理以满足您的每项需求。
Le Murraya's management team is responsive to the wishes and suggestions of each and every guest, and has appointed a Guest Relations Officer at the hotel to cater for your every need.
牡丽雅度假酒店紧随这个充满活力岛屿的变化,引领潮流,为游客奉上小岛最优的服务。 牡丽雅酒店的管理团队关注每位游客的期望与建议,酒店内有一位客户关系经理以满足您的每项需求。