Basically if you can get a bootable live CD version, you can use an external portable hard drive instead of a CD!
基本上如果能得到可以启动的liveCD版本,就可以将它应用到外部可移动硬盘而不是CD !
Can you upload all the files? I think I can extract the ROM from those files, and then make a no-CD version.
The demo contents is 100% the same as the CD version of the game, and the download is free, but it is limited to 30 minutes of game play.
If you would like to create a live CD version of your efforts, you could use larch, a script that will produce an ISO from a hard drive image of your install.
They have also released a special version of the CD with tools for molecular quantum chemistry.
Download the latest version of your target distribution, and burn it to a CD.
Mr. Keating serves as the CD manufacturing whiz on what amounts to Microsoft’s version of the A-Team, clad in business-casual attire.
The new version of RealPlayer combines media player and jukebox and CD burning functionality (similar to iTunes), with a new flagship feature: the ability to download videos from the web.
The Pro version of WinAmp even has unrestricted CD ripping and burning capibilities.
It's a version of Linux that runs directly off the CD so you can run it on any PC you don't need at the moment without having to touch the PC's disk.
You can find the debug version of the JRE on the Lotus Expeditor client CD; you need to copy this to the device. Do the following.
But the good part was that I read about ShipIt on that Ubuntu CD I got. So, I requested a free CD of the new version on the website.
For complete information on ksetup, please refer to the IBM NAS 1.4 Administrator's and User's Guide shipped with the AIX Version 5.3 Expansion Pack CD.
有关ksetup 的完整信息,请参考AIXVersion 5.3ExpansionPackCD 所附带的IBMNAS 1.4管理员和用户指南。
This Pro version also contains a CD ripper functionality to save CD tracks to hard disk.
Do not allow a simple CD check for the old version.
Sony has sold 385 million Walkman machines worldwide in 30 years as it evolved from playing cassettes to compact disks then minidisks - a smaller version of the CD - and finally digital files.
Japanese version of "ghost blows out the second quarter - the JingJue city". CD quality, and constantly update. Japanese production, must belong to the competitive products.
The ultimate version of the CD-1 series, which changed the preconception that "CD sound has no personality. ""
The file that is placed on the CD is the file you have associated as the standard download for your product. This can be the full version or an unlockable (trial) version.
The charity CD, priced at NZ$4.99 ($3.93), contained an instrumental and a vocal version of the song, but Kerridge said he did not know what kind of music dogs would hear.
Introduction is made on the development, technical parameters, main features, version verification test, production trial and appraisal of CD - 3 core drill.
The new version of CAJ-CD specification regulates the use of references to a certain extent, but there are certain problems, too.
新版CAJ - CD规范在一定程度上规范了参考文献的使用,但也存在一定的问题。
The CD-ROM version also contains a query language for serious work.
Professional Cooking, College Version with CD-ROM, 6th Edition.
Professional Cooking, College Version with CD-ROM, 6th Edition.