Some people will celebrate it with families and some will celebrate with friends.
Bring us in to celebrate with friends and with the One whose love we so desperately need.
It was a coming-of-age moment, and he was on his way to celebrate with friends in the East Bay.
In cooler climes, many young people simply see Christmas as a time to escape their immediate families and celebrate with friends.
On my 40th birthday, I rode gocarts4 with 30 of my closest friends to celebrate.
On Monday, we celebrate Labor day. It's a chance to get together with family and friends, to throw some food on the grill, and have a good time.
As we come together with friends, family, and neighbors to celebrate, let us set aside our daily concerns and give thanks for the providence bestowed upon us.
Tip: If you have a larger number of friends who want celebrate with you, plan a trip to the bar after an intimate dinner with your closest circle of friends.
All these years I've been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends.
On this day of togetherness, we welcome you all to celebrate with us as friends, as family, as Americans.
I bought a large delivery of her baby, and several friends to celebrate with him.
For example, you may decide that you would like your boyfriend to invite lots of friends and family to celebrate with you, whereas he may prefer a quiet and more understated affair for his.
Tonight, it gives me great pleasure to gather with my friends, both old and new, to celebrate the new Year.
Do you like to celebrate special events with your family or with your friends?
To celebrate her homecoming, we had a party with her friends.
In China, we just celebrate Christmas Day for dating with the lover or having a wonderful dinner (party) with friends and family.
Children are fond of parties and lovely gifts. Also they like celebrate it with friends like getting together and have a great meal.
I played with my friends all morning and in the evening we all had a dance to celebrate the day.
Mike, you can celebrate your birthday with your friends.
This is a time of year when people get together with family and friends to observe Passover and to celebrate Easter.
Feast of autumn, With family and friends, Celebrate tonight!
Now, why don't you go celebrate your freedom with your own friends? Hmm?
现在跟你的朋友去庆祝你的自由,好吗? ?
I can't be at the ceremony, but I travel virtually every day. I'll celebrate it with friends.
During Spring Festival many of you will go out with old friends to celebrate and catch up.
During the festive period I spent the Christmas at home in Finland and then went on holiday to Dubai to celebrate the New Year with my wife and friends.
The most popular way to celebrate Singles Day is to have dinner with your single friends .
The most popular way to celebrate Singles Day is to have dinner with your single friends .