There is zero evidence that any alignment of any celestial body can influence the activity of the sun as the gravitational effects of the planets on the sun are minuscule.
The so-called "food" is a celestial body that was another celestial body or its Heiying Yanzhe all or part of the astronomical scene.
Racking up another Soviet first, this mission became the first man-made object to successfully orbit another celestial body.
In my opinion, I think celestial body bath is not acceptable in China, I have several reasons to support my point of view.
No celestial body is going to collide with Earth or come close enough to have any noticeable effects.
The frequency of this Celestial Music communicates with the Divine Intelligence of the body at a cellular level raising the consciousness of each cell.
Taoism stresses the human body is a small universe, the human body is a part of celestial bodies.
Some Chinese are becoming increasingly aware of the benefit of celestial body bath, they go to the beach in Sanya to enjoy it.
This paper is about a new danymic analysis method of supply chain partnership relation based upon celestial body track theory.
If the celestial burial ground is in faraway place, the master has to carry the body to the site at one o 'clock at night.
The horizontal Angle of the observer's bearing in surveying, measured clockwise from a referent direction, as from the north, or from a referent celestial body, usually Polaris.
There are commonly the helical structures in the celestial body from many gigantic whirl nebulae to small meteoric stone and dust falling to the Earth.
The gaseous mass or envelope surrounding a celestial body, especially the one surrounding Earth, and retained by the celestial body's gravitational field .
This article gives a method of getting position by altitude and azimuth of simple celestial body, the result is very important for improving the chance of celestial positioning.
The scientists thought black hole is the extra compacted area formed by the collapse of celestial body any matter including light couldn't escape out of this area).
An autonomous optical navigation scheme for landing of spacecraft on a small celestial body based on navigation camera and laser range finder measurements was studied.
The celestial burial ground is generally located on a mountain slope, and the master has to carry the body there without rest halfway.
A planet is a celestial body orbiting a star.
By means of the metric for the celestial body with electric-magnetic charge, magnetic momentum and quadrupole moment, some gravitational effect are studied.
N-body problem is a problem researching on the universal gravitation between celestial bodies, this problem belong to the category of parallel calculation.
But celestial body chapter kinetic energy can cause centrifugal change, encourage, get up elastic part produce elasticity shake.
Astronomers believe that gradually gathered interstellar dust formed stars, planets, asteroids, comets and other celestial bodies, and then have the life on Earth body.
Extend structural equation, supposing celestial body is charged ideal fluid. Give three methods to discuss structure of charged celestial body.
Astrology doesn't take every celestial body into account, for example: Europa. Ancient astrologers didn't know about it, and modern astrologers just keep repeating the same mistake.
Astrology doesn't take every celestial body into account, for example: Europa. Ancient astrologers didn't know about it, and modern astrologers just keep repeating the same mistake.