Calcifications can be the result of cell secretions, cell debris, inflammation and trauma, among other causes.
Cell debris in the sheared lysate is then cleared by sedimentation and protein–DNA complexes are selectively immunoprecipitated using specific antibodies to the protein(s) of interest.
Increase in dose resulted in more cell debris.
Methods Xenogenic acellular dermal matrix was made from fresh pig skin which had removed the cells and the cell debris by some extraordinary methods.
Flow cytometry results showed that the rate of cell debris in Liangxue Tongyu Fang group was significantly lower than that of H2O2 model group.
流式细胞仪检测结果显示凉血通淤方组的细胞碎片率较H 2 O 2模型组明显降低。
Based on the near-infrared images of solar cell for some image processing, the defects of solar cells, such as debris, cracks, broken gate, etc.
If a cell that debris is pushed to contains a robot, that robot is destroyed.
A purification strategy that can produce a highly pure single protein from a crude mixture of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and cell debris to is a work of art to be admired.
Ibis, mainly by sebum, bacterial cell debris and consists of a "plug" -like objects, obstruction in the hair follicle ask Department.
When laminarin as an immune activator was present, phenoloxidase (PO) activities in cell debris, hemocyte lysate solution and plasma were measured as 26.80, 16.68, and 2.53 u, respectively.
在免疫激活剂昆布多糖存在下,分别测得小菜蛾幼虫血细胞碎片、血细胞裂解液和血浆的酚氧化酶活性为26.80U, 16.68 U和2.53 U。
A second type, Kupffer cells, play a role in blood-cell formation, antibody production, and ingestion of foreign particles and cell debris.
Carefully transfer the supernatant of the flow-through to a new microcentrifuge tube (not supplied) without disturbing the cell-debris pellet in the collection tube.
Carefully transfer the supernatant of the flow-through to a new microcentrifuge tube (not supplied) without disturbing the cell-debris pellet in the collection tube.