Once synthesized, the histones move into the cell nucleus, where a section of DNA wraps around them to form a structure that resembles beads, or knots, on a string.
The nucleus is removed from the egg cell.
It is easily extracted, because it is one of a handful of genes found outside the cell nucleus, in structures called mitochondria.
Erythrocytes in mammals are anucleate when mature, meaning that they lack a cell nucleus.
The transmission of an extracellular signal from the surface of the cell to the nucleus by a relay of protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions.
But the big finding is that the cell nucleus has two compartments-and genes are only active in one.
They then transferred the fibroblast's nucleus to another dog's egg cell, with its nucleus removed.
And it is easily extracted, because it is one of a handful of genes found outside the cell nucleus, in structures called mitochondria.
Although mastodon mitochondrial DNA has been sequenced before, the researchers say they were the first to do the analysis on DNA from the cell nucleus - in this case, using material from a tooth.
While, like bacteria, archaeans don't have a cell nucleus, they share other traits with eukaryotes like you and me.
We are family: Scientists suspect that a large DNA-based virus took up residence inside a bacterial cell more than a billion years ago to create the first cell nucleus.
It's even possible to make out structures within the cell, such as the nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts.
The scientists extracted a cell nucleus from an organ of a dead mouse and planted it into the egg of another mouse which was alive, leading to the birth of the cloned mouse.
Here, we investigate the possibility of whether a tumor cell nucleus, in which transformation is caused by somatic mutation, can be epigenetically reprogrammed into normal tissues.
The neurons in Modha's model only have a soma — the cell body containing the cell nucleus — and simplified spikes.
Vibration prompts movement of the cell nucleus, which is suspended by numerous threadlike fibers called filaments.
Chromosome — One of the threadlike structures in the cell nucleus; consists of chromatin and carries genetic information (DNA).
Results NGF chiefly located in endochylema and cell nucleus of neuron in cerebral cortex , hippocampus and reticular formation of brain stem.
Somatic cell nuclear transfer - the transfer of a cell nucleus from a somatic cell into an egg from which the nucleus has been removed.
Somatic cell nuclear transfer-the transfer of a cell nucleus from a somatic cell into an egg from which the nucleus has been removed.
Acuteness wet wart is a kind of HPV virus infection, the HPV virus is latent in the human skin cell nucleus, naked eye is invisible.
And it is easily extracted, because it is one of ah and ful of genes found outside the cell nucleus , in structures called mitochondria.
The biological cell's cell nucleus, includes the chromosome, the composition divides into DNA.
Objective: To compare compound staining methods showing leprotic bacillus, elastic fibre and cell nucleus etc . in skin biopsy tissue.
The most prominent sign of degeneration is that the central cell nucleus produced nuclear vacuoles.
The mycorrhizal fungi affects the size and shape of the host cell nucleus.
DHBV-DNA in the cytoplasm, cell nucleus and medium supernatant was assayed over time.
分时段检测细胞核、细胞浆及培养上清的DHBV - DNA。
Resistance to corn sheath blight is primarily controlled by cell nucleus, generally not affected by cytoplasm effect, but some combinations may be suffered by the cytoplasm effect.
Resistance to corn sheath blight is primarily controlled by cell nucleus, generally not affected by cytoplasm effect, but some combinations may be suffered by the cytoplasm effect.