This suggests that Polyergar can inhibit the growth of cancer cell probably through inhibiting the glycolysis of the cancer cell which in turn influenced the cell energy metabolism.
Mitochondria play an important role in energy metabolism, free radical production, aging and cell apoptosis.
Vitamin B1 is necessary for carbohydrate metabolism, energy production and nerve cell function.
Autophagy plays an important role in a variety of life activity. For example, it can speed up cell metabolism or have the cells obtained energy from the decomposition products under ischemia-hypoxia.
These genes were found to be involved in the biological processes including energy metabolism, material transformation and cell growth.
Enhances energy metabolism and skin cell turnover.
In conclusion, the enolase gene plays a key role in the process of cell metabolism and energy generation in their life.
Results: There is remarkable abnormality among sugar, lipid, energy metabolism, structure and function of cell membrane and so on in patients with phlegm and turbid stagnation CHD.
In addition, FTO gene has influences on animal growth and development, energy homeostasis, fat metabolism, inflammatory reaction, and cancer cell proliferation, etc.
As the major circulating free sugar in blood, it is the source of energy in cell function and a major participant in metabolism.
As the major circulating free sugar in blood, it is the source of energy in cell function and a major participant in metabolism.