The sur- high-pressured electric field may have the influence to the cell membrane permeability.
In this paper, experiment of cell membrane permeability in college teaching materials of was improved.
Cell membrane permeability of grape leaves was increased following the increase of NaCl concentration.
Treated wheat seedling with cadmium, it increased the level of membrane lipid peroxidation, cell membrane permeability, activity of SOD and POD.
Regulars cell membrane permeability (absorption and oil production) and normalize skin cells differentiation and regulate heart muscles and nerve transmission.
Using plane class fat double-decked model, from potential barrier penetration angle discussion high pressure electric field to cell membrane permeability influence.
We could also see the cell membrane permeability of seriously damaged leaf were 2.66%-9.77% (Changtang) and 0.67%-5.77%(Sanmenjiang) higher than that of lightly damaged leaf.
The cell membrane permeability, MDA content and POD activity in leaves of two soybean varieties different in resistance to salt were studied under salt stress, using the solution culture method.
High pressure treatment caused changes in the microstructure of the cell, the membrane proteins of cells were damaged, and the cell membrane permeability increased, resulting in leakage of the cell.
The results indicate membrane permeability and cooling rate are main factors that affect the cell shrinkage.
The results showed that calcium solution treatment significantly increased total calcium content in fruits, improved fruit firmness and maintained permeability of cell membrane significantly.
It is concluded that plasm membrane permeability of cell and leaf proline content can be used as indices for drought resistance selection in sugarcane breeding.
Conclusions Ultrasound-mediated intratumoral injection of microbubbles and destruction could enhance the permeability of tumor cell membrane and could cause coagulated necrosis areas in the tumors.
It is suggested that the method is useful in tracing the permeability change of the nervous cell membrane.
The carriers in a living cell membrane explain the selectively permeability of the membrane by selecting special substances to be absorbed into or released out of the cell.
There was a negative correlation between the disease resistance of cultivars and the permeability of cell membrane.
The effects of chlorides of Ce, Nd, and Dy with different concentration on the permeability of cell membrane and distribution in spring wheat were studied in this paper.
Under the low temperature condition, the cell membrane of plants must be damaged firstly and then the permeability will increase.
Under the low temperature condition, the cell membrane of plants must be damaged firstly and then the permeability will increase.