Glycerol is an important component of glycerophospholipid, the basic structure of the cell plasma membrane.
Produced by lipid peroxidation end products MDA cytotoxicity, so the content of MDA can be measured to assess the extent of the damage of cell plasma membrane.
Ceramide is a lipid molecule naturally present in the cell's plasma membrane and controls cell functions, including cell aging, or senescence.
Exocytosis the bulk transport of materials out of the cell across the plasma membrane.
Plasma membrane plays important roles in many basic biological processes such as cell-cell interaction, signal transduction and material transport.
The proteins of plasma membrane are the "doorbells" and "doorways" of a cell, and many of them are targets of many medicines.
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are similar in several ways. Both are surrounded by a cell membrane, or plasma membrane.
CONCLUSION: We constructed an FRT cell line that could stably express UT-A2 in plasma membrane in the non-renal epithelia cell. The cell line will be used to screen UT-A2 inhibitors.
结论:在非肾脏上皮细胞获得了稳定质膜定位表达UT - A2的FRT细胞株,该细胞株可用于UT - A 2抑制剂的筛选。
Fast polarized growth of cotton fiber cell requires biosynthesis of various phytohormones, biosynthesis of plasma membrane and cell wall components, cell wall loosing and expansion.
Fast polarized growth of cotton fiber cell requires biosynthesis of various phytohormones, biosynthesis of plasma membrane and cell wall components, cell wall loosing and expansion.