Homeobox gene is a sort of regulatory gene which controls embryonic development and cellular differentiation.
This localized expression of OSH1 indicates that the cellular differentiation has already occurred at this stage.
The expression of AIF was not related with age or clinical phase or grade of cellular differentiation or node(P>0.05).
The expression of CIDE-B is not related with age or clinical phase or grade of cellular differentiation or node(P>0.05).
Cellular differentiation and lineage commitment are considered to be robust and irreversible processes during development.
The enhancement pattern of HCC with CEUS in the vascular phase was correlated with the degree of cellular differentiation.
These cells can be used in applications such as cell therapy, drug development, disease modeling, and the study of cellular differentiation.
The positive expression of DPC4 had no correlation with tissue type and cellular differentiation(P>0.05), but it was closely associated with lymph node metastasis(P<0.05).
Purpose: Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) are being studied in clinical trials with the aim to induce cellular differentiation, growth arrest, and apoptosis of tumor cells.
Fluid shear is the mechanical force exerted by the movement of fluids over cell surfaces and has been found to play an important role in cellular differentiation, development and function.
Cellular differentiation is a dynamic process driven by activation and repression of specific sets of genes, partitioning the genome into transcriptionally active and inactive chromatin domains.
They could also use recombinant DNA to study cell differentiation and development, including such cellular abnormalities as cancer.
Materils and method: Obtaining experimental cellular model by isolating and culturing in vitro of osteoblasts from SD rats' fetal calvaria . Differentiation stages were divided .
The replication of parvovirus is strongly dependent on cellular factors associated with proliferation and differentiation, especially those related to the S-phase of the cell cycle.
The peptide growth factors influence diverse cellular processes, including cell proliferation, differentiation, migration and survival.
PKC is an important element of cellular signal transduction pathways that regulate cell growth, survival, differentiation and gene expression.
Objective To study the effect of tretinoin on cellular proliferation and differentiation with human osteogenic sarcoma cell.
A similar study from researchers at Children's Hospital Boston, published simultaneously in the journal Nature, also finds that cellular "memory" affects the differentiation potential of iPSCs.
As a novel second messenger, ceramide plays important roles in a variety of physiologic or pathologic events relating to cellular growth, proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and injuries.
AIM: To evaluate the effect of 4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) as fluorescent tracer during the epidermal grafting, and establish the basis of cellular proliferation and differentiation research.
Objective Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) is closely related to cellular growth, differentiation and proliferation.
On cellular level, the fraction of ethyl acetate could promote osteogenic differentiation and showed no inhibition on adipogenic differentiation of MSCs.
The results showed that:(1) On cellular level, the fraction of ethyl acetate and water extract could promote osteogenic differentiation of MSCs;
The fundamental problems remain: the origin of life, cell organization, the pathways of differentiation, aging, and the molecular and cellular capabilities of the brain.
Intracellular and intercellular signaling play critical roles in controlling the cellular fate such as differentiation, aging and survival-death, and various cellular functions.
There are a series of genes in cell which determin cellular growth, differentiation, aging and death (3) Critical telomere shortening.
生命钟基因控制着细胞程序衰老。 生物体细胞内存在一系列基因,它们控制着细胞的生长、分化、老化和死亡。
Chloridion participated in various kinds of biological function, such as cellular immunologic response, cell migration, cellular proliferation and differentiation, apoptosis.
Functional analysis revealed that these proteins were associated with cancer cellular oncogenesis, proliferation, differentiation and metastasis.
It is well established that lens differentiation occurs through a process of self removal of the lens cellular organelles.
It is well established that lens differentiation occurs through a process of self removal of the lens cellular organelles.