The base layer of cement stabilized crushed stone has been used widely in highway construction.
In combination with years of experience in the construction of cement stabilized crushed stone technology is discussed.
Therefore, the technology of cement stabilized crushed stone according to semi-rigid base for city roads is briefly analyzed for reference.
Also in the study process of the cement stabilized crushed stone material, we use the different testing methods with a single design index to evaluate which certain are the problems.
The cement-stabilized crushed stone base is a half rigid structural layer formed by cement, graded crushed stone and water mixed at a certain ratio, and stirred and compacted.
Through the mixture ratio design of cement-fly-ash-flushed-by-seawater stabilized crushed-stone, the feasibility of the fly-ash-flushed-by-seawater material used for road construction is studied.
Through the mixture ratio design of cement-fly-ash-flushed-by-seawater stabilized crushed-stone, the feasibility of the fly-ash-flushed-by-seawater material used for road construction is studied.