A heme (HEM) is a multi-atom, non-proteinaceous organic structure capable of positioning an iron (FE) ion in its center.
亚铁血红素 (HEM)是一个多原子、非蛋白质的有机结构,能够将一个铁 (FE)离子置于其中心。
So, for example, if I have a sodium ion over here, and I have a chloride ion over here, where the distance from center to center r I'm denoting as r, this is nucleus to nucleus separation.
The metal ion may be the catalytic center of the cofactor, or it may serve to bind the enzyme and substrate together to hold the enzyme in a catalytically active conformation.
The negative ion element will become the gas source center and form an ejection in the process of evaporation of coating material, so decrease the damage threshold of the coatings.
This paper deals mainly with the hardware and software design of the protective circuit for lithium-ion batteries (7 in series), whose control center is PIC16C74.
The ionospheric up flowing ion mainly distributes in the near geo space and its flux has a negative gradient versus geo center distance.
The results showed that negative air ion concentrations increased gradually and ion polarity ratio decreased gradually from city center to suburb.
In the structure of 1, CuI ion site between the two CuII ions, which blocks the magnetic coupling of the spin center, so the compound show very weak antiferromagnetic behaviors.
Abstract: the fusion hindrance in heavy-ion collisions is studied in the framework of the two-center liquid drop model.
The U. S. ace shuttle Discovery has landed safely at the Ke edy ace Center in Florida after a 13-day mi ion.
The U. S. ace shuttle Discovery has landed safely at the Ke edy ace Center in Florida after a 13-day mi ion.