Listing 16 shows the code to add the Justify Center formatting button.
The HTML align values of left, center, right, and justify map to the XSL-FO text-align values of start, center, end, and justify.
HTMLalign的left 、center 、 right和justify 值映射成XSL-FO text-align 的start 、 center 、end 和 justify 。
The justify option can be used to align the column values to the right, center, or left of a column.
You can Justify align post text now, instead of just Left, Right, and Center.
If you do not have the time, resources, or data required to create accurate business cases to justify your key data center and it initiatives for your CFO or board members, you are in the majority.
If you do not have the time, resources, or data required to create accurate business cases to justify your key data center and it initiatives for your CFO or board members, you are in the majority.