The European Central Bank should demonstrate that it has the tools to maintain liquidity even if there is panic.
So far the liquidity of the European Central Bank (ECB) has kept the system alive.
Can bank regulators and central Banks prevent future liquidity crises?
The European Central Bank said it would tighten its rating standards for the asset-backed securities that euro-area banks use as collateral when seeking liquidity from the central bank.
The European Central Bank (ECB) had hoped to make the terms of its liquidity support to banks less generous.
The European Central Bank, which was due to meet after The Economist went to press, may well offer banks unlimited liquidity for longer periods than it has been doing.
Lending between Banks remains stifled, and demand for central-bank liquidity is consequently extremely high.
The central bank has started to drain liquidity by lifting Banks' reserve requirements, and some Banks have been told to reduce their lending.
ON AUGUST 9th 2007, after an alarming leap in interbank interest rates, the European Central Bank signalled its readiness to provide the banking system with the liquidity it suddenly lacked.
When panic strikes financial markets, aggravated by temporary shortages, the central bank has a unique opportunity to provide liquidity — this was, after all, one of its original purposes.
Japan's central bank seems to have stilled talk of financial panic with huge injections of liquidity.
The central bank can try to "sterilise" the impact of bigger reserves by selling securities to mop up the excess liquidity.
Initially the bank declined to offer the extra liquidity provided by other central Banks.
Many believe that ferrying liquidity to commercial Banks is no longer enough: the ECB should follow the Fed and the bank of England in using central-bank money to buy assets, including public debt.
In recent days America's central bank has flooded credit markets with liquidity, creating new lending facilities apace.
It would also improve market liquidity for assets eligible as security for central-bank money, to the benefit of overall financial stability.
Thus the central bank of the United Arab Emirates has made it clear that it will provide liquidity to any bank, foreign or domestic, operating in the United Arab Emirates.
The European Central Bank(ECB) refuses to give the banks more liquidity and they are tottering.
欧洲央行(ECB)拒绝给予希腊摇摇欲坠的银行业更多的流动资金③ 。
'the liquidity support for the fund is aimed at helping to smooth liquidity flow in the corporate bond and commercial paper' markets, said Lee Ju-yeol, a deputy governor at the central bank.
韩国央行副行长Lee Ju - yeol说,为该基金提供流动性支持旨在帮助公司债券和商业票据市场上的资金实现顺利流动。
"The extensions of such lines from the European Central Bank could help central banks in a few countries to improve the liquidity of foreign exchange markets, " he added.
"The extensions of such lines from the European Central Bank could help central banks in a few countries to improve the liquidity of foreign exchange markets, " he added.