Europe's central bank would then instruct the banks to maintain credit lines and loan portfolios while closely monitoring risks in their own accounts.
Why did the Central Bank decide to investigate the market in loan assignment at this precise moment?
Last week, the central bank edged up the rate on an often-watched interbank loan, the first such hike in five months.
The central bank is tightening regulation of loan-to-value ratios and trying to end easy credit.
He is referring to the us central bank-orchestrated rescue of the Bear Stearns investment bank, which teetered on the brink of bankruptcy because of loan losses.
Loan growth is wilting and a survey by the European Central Bank (ECB) suggests that lending conditions are becoming stricter.
The heads of the European Union (EU), the European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund are assessing if Greece is meeting targets they imposed in exchange for a huge bailout loan.
On August 9th 2007 the European Central bank (ECB), not the Federal Reserve, stunned the financial world by making the first giant emergency loan to Banks.
Hungary already secured a 5 billion euros loan from the European Central bank to help its own Banks raise foreign-currency funds.
For the reasons of administration, the Central bank also plays an important role in deciding the rate of excess reserves through controlling the loan size of business Banks.
The first part centers upon the theoretic summary of re-loan of central bank.
Its main source of funds comes from issuing cash, since currency in circulation is, in effect, an interest-free loan by the public to the central bank.
The central bank could require, for example, disclosure of the composition of bank loan portfolios by different categories of borrowers.
European markets were unsettled as Budapest asked the European Central Bank for credit and Kiev confirmed it was seeking an IMF loan to "stabilise Ukraine's financial system".
Private capitals are making up residents' loan demand squeezed by the tight monetary policy as the central bank has been withdraw extra liquidity in market.
Following our seminar, the central bank extended loan facilities of up to Tk. 5 lac (US$ 10,000 Apr. ) to new businesses whose proprietor or director recently graduated.
Following our seminar, the central bank extended loan facilities of up to Tk. 5 lac (US$ 10,000 Apr. ) to new businesses whose proprietor or director recently graduated.