He said that China-Italy cooperation has now scored fruitful results compared with the year 1983 when he made the first visit to China as governor of the Central Bank of Italy.
The measures will be part of a programme to satisfy the European Central Bank that Italy is controlling its debts.
Urge the European Central Bank (ECB) to be lender of last resort to vulnerable sovereigns like Italy?
The central bank cannot continually support the debt markets of Spain and Italy forever - they are simply too big.
As governor of the Bank of Italy, Mr Draghi is also a member of the European Central Bank's 22-strong rate-setting council.
Lucky for Italy, the European Central Bank, which is backed by all members of the euro zone, came riding to the rescue.
The rise in Italy's bond yields came in spite of heavy purchases by the European Central Bank on the first day in office of new president Mario Draghi, former head of the Bank of Italy.
尽管欧洲央行(ECB)新行长、意大利央行(Bank of Italy)前行长马里奥?德拉吉(Mario Draghi)在上任第一天就大举购买意大利国债,但其收益率仍一路飙升。
The rise in Italy's bond yields came in spite of heavy purchases by the European Central Bank on the first day in office of new president Mario Draghi, former head of the Bank of Italy.
尽管欧洲央行(ECB)新行长、意大利央行(Bank of Italy)前行长马里奥?德拉吉(Mario Draghi)在上任第一天就大举购买意大利国债,但其收益率仍一路飙升。