Most of the copyon the Central Perk coffee board is the original copy from theshow's first season (typos included!)
Most of the copy on the Central Perk coffee board is the original copy from the show's first season (typos included)!
Most of the copy on the Central Perk coffee board is the original copy from the show's first season (typos included!)
Meanwhile actor James, 47, who is in London for the launch of a Central Perk themed coffee shop in Soho, is keen to reprise his role as Gunther on the big screen.
与此同时,在伦敦soho区开了一家Central Perk主题咖啡馆的47岁演员詹姆斯,很渴望继续在大屏幕上出演他的角色Gunther。
Meanwhile actor James, 47, who is in London for the launch of a Central Perk themed coffee shop in Soho, is keen to reprise his role as Gunther on the big screen.
与此同时,在伦敦soho区开了一家Central Perk主题咖啡馆的47岁演员詹姆斯,很渴望继续在大屏幕上出演他的角色Gunther。