Cera: Why did you want me for the part?
Cera: that explains why I had that giant fan blowing in my eyes.
Cera: Right. We've all played videogames—just at different stages.
Cera: Have you seen people all decked out in Shaun of the Dead costumes?
CERA reckons that the cost of developing them has risen even faster-by 110%.
Cera: God I loved it. There was a lot of bow-and-arrow killing in that movie.
CERA shows some degree of protective effects on experimental liver injury in rats.
But CERA cautions that developed nations will hardly be through with oil anytime soon.
Results the acid value and the saponification value in Cera Chinensis could be determined successfully.
Cera: I guess they put Superbad there because our characters are the types of guys who would read comics.
Cera is a superhero for an indecisive generation, which might work if the disjunction were played for satire.
Cera: Actually, I wish we were walking through the woods right now with a tape recorder and a bow and arrow.
Cera: So you know, I just wrote up these questions in the car. It was hot in there. That's why I'm all sweaty.
But from "well to wheels", counting emissions from cars' exhaust pipes, tar sands are only 5-15% dirtier, says IHS CERA.
但剑桥能源咨询公司认为,如果是以“从油井到车轮”的方式,只计算汽车排气管排出的二氧化碳量,从油砂中提取石油只增加了5 ~ 15%的排放量。
Until now official estimates from the IEA were far closer in spirit to those from the likes of CERA than the pessimists.
Cera: Because, you know, Nick might be into that... I also bet there will be a lot of Scott Pilgrim costumes at Comic-Con.
Michael Cera as Scott Pilgrim: boss battles, awkward romance (with costar Mary Elizabeth Winstead), and rock 'n' roll showdowns.
Reported the 3 cases which appling a method that hydroxyapatite cera-mie was transplanted to subperiosteum restituted saddle nose.
Cera: Actually, I wish we were walking through the woods right now with a tape recorder and a bow and arrow. Which reminds me of... Rambo.
CERA hedged its predictions of supply tightness with uncertainty about the rate at which world oil demand will recover after the recession.
According to K. F. Yan, director of IHS Cera in Beijing, the stockpiling will be particularly pronounced because reserves were run down last year.
Jim Burkhard of IHS Cera, a consultancy, notes that OECD oil demand peaked in 2005 and has been slipping since in response to the upward march of prices.
Cera: Stupid Canadian docility. You know, something that people might find interesting is all of the videogame effects you used as visuals-and music, too.
Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA), a consultancy, calculates that capital costs for refineries and petrochemical plants have risen by 76% since 2000.
'I call it the caipirinha effect,' says Bob Fryklund, the Rio DE Janeiro-based head of the oil-market research firm IHS-CERA, referring to Brazil's national cocktail.
石油市场研究公司IHS - CERA驻巴西里约热内卢的负责人弗里克隆(BobFryklund)说,我把它称作巴西卡皮·利亚鸡尾酒效应。
Take the case of two movies that opened in the summer of 2009. Year One starred Jack Black and Michael Cera, and the marketing was basically: “Hey, it’s Jack Black and the guy from Juno.
The Cambridge Energy Research Associates, or CERA, analysis cites several reasons why demand in developed nations -- which accounts for slightly more than half the world's total -- won't recover.
The Cambridge Energy Research Associates, or CERA, analysis cites several reasons why demand in developed nations -- which accounts for slightly more than half the world's total -- won't recover.