It is important to note that the certainty factor is actually an estimate of the statistical likelihood that the category was identified correctly.
The selection of harmonic inspection and control method for active filter and certainty of last added compensation capacity and quality factor were expounded.
To improve system's robustness, uncertain reasoning based on certainty factor is introduced.
The key factor of a successful third restatement is the balance of flexibility and certainty of conflicts law.
Combination of subjective bayes method, certainty factor theory and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method are applied to solve the uncertainty, dynamics and fuzzy in student evaluation.
To overcome the hardship of enacting the pre-probability distribution with high certainty factor, this paper proposes one novel way of applying Bayes analysis to classify pattern.
In order to improve the capability of knowledge representation of FPRs, several parameters such as local weight, global weight and certainty factor have been incorporated into the FPRs.
You can't tell for certain that a number is prime without trying to factor it, but you can apply a number of simpler tests that will verify its primeness to any degree of certainty that you want.
A new method for partner appraisement in dynamic alliance based on certainty factor is introduced to consider the uncertainty of appraisement.
A new method for partner appraisement in dynamic alliance based on certainty factor is introduced to consider the uncertainty of appraisement.