Internet Banks now hold 7% of total deposits in so-called money-market accounts, the segment in which they compete hardest (in contrast to basic current accounts and certificates of deposit).
We offer Time Certificates of deposit which pay a higher rate of interest than regular deposits do.
The Bank issues registered certificates of deposit for such deposits.
In addition to fixed deposits, can tolerate low-risk investors can also consider bank certificates of deposit from time to time introduced.
I don't know if European tourists have to submit their bank accounts' certificates and have a percentage of their deposits frozen for a certain period to get a visa to China.
CDs used for hypothecation are limited to certificates of time deposits issued by the savings outlets in the local administrated area of the tier-one branches of and branches under the Bank of China.
Clerk: Yes, Miss Taylor, that's correct. We offer Time Certificates of deposit which pay a higher rate of interest than regular deposits do.
Clerk: Yes, Miss Taylor, that's correct. We offer Time Certificates of deposit which pay a higher rate of interest than regular deposits do.