These dichotomies (between efficiency versus correctness, efficiency versus programmer time, efficiency versus high-level, et cetera.) are bogus.
And we have two species reacting to form another species, or bimolecular stuff, et cetera.
KING: So there was no clash over what you would record or what kind of music you were singing, et cetera?
So this is very similar, this is a kind of recursive thinking we talked about earlier, where we take our problem and we make it smaller we solve a smaller problem, et cetera.
And it needs your contributions of furniture, paint, brushes, ladders, lamps, et cetera.
European countries - especially northern European countries: Switzerland, Denmark, et cetera - tend to be happier than we are in these surveys.
And certainly you know that you add salt to the roads and the water melts, et cetera.
Kids get sick, snow falls overnight, kids don't wake up "on time" et cetera.
OK. In general you could extend this analysis to include vibrations, rotations, energy in a magnetical field, electric field, et cetera. Any questions?
OK. The next largest element has to end up in the second last spot. Et cetera. All right, so it's called bubble sort because it does this bubbling up until it gets there.
I don't do counseling, therapy, et cetera. I do experiments in a laboratory.
The translational partition function times the vibrational partition function, times the rotational partition function, et cetera.
A real angel, sporting fancy wings that sparkle bright as snow, a heart in the shape of a Star of David, et cetera, et cetera.
Wright's games have always been modular, allowing for lucrative expansion packs and spinoffs: SimFarm, Sims 2: Apartment Life, Spore: Galactic Adventures, et cetera.
Connection is based off a vanilla TCP client stream so a user still has access to those features: raw data management, send queue management et cetera.
Paint, brushes, ladders, lamps, et cetera.
Working group 2 May also consider whether it is practical to add new features to support networking, threads, internationalization, foreign-function interfaces, et cetera.
Well, now I go through code very much like what I did for max val in the first place. I check whether it's 0, et cetera, et cetera.
You're better off helping your server process less HTTP requests, off-loading media to Amazon S3, et cetera.
Net Cetera: Chatting With kids about Being online encourages parents to reduce the risks by talking to kids about how they communicate - online and off.
Net Cetera: Chatting With kids about Being online encourages parents to reduce the risks by talking to kids about how they communicate - online and off.