In managing flows up and down supply chains, supply chain managers become involved in far more than just the movement of products.
DeveloperWorks: you know, it sounds to me as you talk about it also like you're putting more faith in developers up and down the chain of command.
Sometimes the problem has already escalated up through the clients' management chain, across to our executives, and back down to us.
Once you have a handle on what’s happening up and down the value chain of your industry, it’s time to look at what your competitors are doing.
What's more, over 70 percent of the components and products used in construction will be manufactured in the USA, boosting jobs and communities in states up and down the supply chain.
What’s more, over 70 percent of the components and products used in construction will be manufactured in the USA, boosting jobs and communities in states up and down the supply chain .
更重要的是,建设所需的70%以上的材料和产品将在美国生产。 这将提振州内就业和社区经济,同时缩短供应链。
Today, we've made it clear up and down the chain of command that folks should seek help if they need it.
The longer a chemical sits outside without breaking down, the more likely it is to accumulate, drift around and even move up the food chain.
The industry value chain identifies opportunities up and down the product's life cycle for increasing the efficiency or quality of the product.
This type of device is to use stainless steel chain network transmission, cleaning fluid through the multi-stage filtration, wrong spray cleaning up and down, mainly have the spray cleaning.
When using the swivel chain between two cars, again through the bolt will turn on both ends of the chain (meet) the pin hole up and down together, and then the bolt locking.
Sometimes the problem has already escalated up through the clients' management chain , across to our executives, and back down to us.
The fact is, most systems are just not up to handling all the variables up and down the supply chain.
Further up the food chain, there are bigger animals like cows and camels or koalas which also use bacteria in their stomachs to break down plants.
Further up the food chain, there are bigger animals like cows and camels or koalas which also use bacteria in their stomachs to break down plants.