The other but more commonly used monetary policy is to change the rate to effectively alter the rate of interest on deposits.
Change that arrangement and you can dramatically alter the resulting organism.
So far her team has mapped out how climate change might alter the habitats of a dozen species, from the Canadian lynx to the California redwood.
Global change could alter the functioning of these ecosystems and the way carbon is cycled in the ocean.
If we can alter our federal holidays to benefit shoppers and travelers, surely we can change Election day for the benefit of our voters.
Gut bacteria can affect how fats are processed, change the likelihood of obesity, alter cholesterol levels and affect chances of developing diabetes.
Australian climatologist will Steffens argued that climate change caused by human activity will fundamentally alter the air, land and oceans for tens of thousands of years.
In my view, no amount of advance planning is going to change this reality or alter the way the systems work.
He says that organizational change programs typically fail because people fail to alter their underlying behavior.
Proposals to alter those systems are never taken lightly, and even when proposals are embraced, the change is generally difficult.
They will change the way Banks compensate employees and, as a result, could alter the way Banks operate.
This causes it to polymerise and then change shape, which means the ophthalmologist can tweak the lens to alter its power.
Finally, climate change could alter the geographical distribution of disease vectors, including the insects that spread malaria and dengue.
Minor changes now can be done to external decision logic which implements the constraint, to alter policy or to change rule logic separately.
This can lead to confusion when trying to alter parameters as the ability to change them is unavailable until the module has been loaded.
Security issues aside, such a change requires that a different endpoint be given to the sender, and that he be required to alter his client to use the new endpoint.
The process, known as DNA methylation, is one mechanism of epigenetic change, heritable change that does not alter the sequence of DNA itself.
Or are they a function of the way different societies operate, in which case those values may alter as societies change?
Environmentalists have long argued about whether geoengineering (using technology to alter the climate) is a good way to tackle climate change.
Environmentalists have long argued about whether geoengineering (using technology to alter the climate) is a good way to tackle climate change .
Here's the good news: Vacations give us a chance to recharge our batteries — change the pace, alter the scenery, and improve our attitude.
A tiny change to each pixel will alter its colour but not so much that humans could spot it.
Democratic elections are scientific experiments: every couple of years you carefully alter the variables with an election and observe the results. If you want different results, change the variables.
To change the location of directories after a project has been created it is necessary to alter a project's accepted structure from its default Settings.
But does Firefox 3.0 change the web, or alter the way we use the intertubes?
但是Firefox 3.0改变了互联网,或者改变了我们使用网络的方式吗?
"A concern is that as the drug is released, the change in shape will alter the focus of the patient," says Dr Kohane.
If buying tickets more than eight weeks ahead look like the best option, it could, however, mean that the consumer risks having to pay to alter booking if the plans change.
Nothing that happens here on Earth can change or alter or destroy the number three.
You cannot change the state, nor can you alter the configuration.
You cannot change the state, nor can you alter the configuration.