Bank purchases using money, then sell the house reserves to change hands.
A dozen House seats there may change hands. Here, too, the campaigns have turned nasty.
The opportunities for envelopes stuffed with banknotes to change hands are thus minimised.
The document is clear: wads of cash may not change hands in return for poor motherless mites.
Nothing is valued in monetary terms as you do now, and in fact money does not change hands at all.
Millions of dollars can change hands through the rapid decisions investors make based on industry news.
The man wants to pull the lady's change hands, love hold the hand each other of the hill path ups China.
Doris: : I have a credit card on file. No cash will change hands. Look, here's our driver. Hello, Michael.
The behind-the-back dribble is used to change hands and go past a defender overplaying on the right (left).
Now, no territory would change hands, but it would help fulfil some of the perquisites for forming Germany.
Xing Ma's dicast, just substituted Zou some dress a wound, the blood stain on the change hands hadn't purged.
Yet supply-chain audits are far from rigorous because the minerals change hands so many times on the way to the market.
The painting could change hands for about$2,000 and if he played it right he could get a commission from both parties.
Treasury bills are the secondary market, easy to change hands, can be converted into cash at any time, high credibility.
Millions of dollars, pounds and euros change hands every night at poker tables around the world and on dozens of poker websites.
Information about people's moment-to-moment thoughts and actions, as revealed by their online activity, can change hands quickly.
Then, repay a beard change hands to hold wine cup and overture to toast vs general view once, this course square tells end.
Millions of dollars, pounds and euros change hands every night at poker tables around the world and on dozens of poker websites.
United Kingdom 10, released a survey, 15% of British respondents in the TV remote control, failure case, too lazy to change hands sets.
In fact, the only emerging pattern is one of wildly see-sawing fortunes, as coastal towns change hands with almost metronomic regularity.
For example, the Tories are thought to be doing better in the marginals, the seats most likely to change hands, than in the country as a whole.
Sprigs of mint, red coils of lotus root and bundles of knotted cabbage change hands for a few rupees, tossed from one boatman's lap to another.
In a stricken euro-zone country, it would change hands at a discount to the remaining euros in circulation, foreshadowing the devaluation to come.
Because of the huge amounts of money that change hands in the mining and natural-gas business, it is hard to imagine that this will change anytime soon.
You know today's you is the most fine uxor, never make bride's change hands in the change hands held a flower and easily rear the tension of a heart.
The amounts are much larger to facilitate income-tax refunds, where the standard “charge” is 10%; sums between 5, 000 and 50, 000 rupees change hands.
If a domain name does change hands, then it's best to only assign tag URIs 48 hours before or after the switch to remove all doubt about the ownership.
He listened carefully as Yancey explained that the living donor had to be a genetic match. And that no money could change hands, that it is illegal to sell body parts.
He listened carefully as Yancey explained that the living donor had to be a genetic match. And that no money could change hands, that it is illegal to sell body parts.