We have looked at the medical aspects of runner's high which states that there is definitely a change in a person's physical state caused by the stress of running.
This model considers free surface boundary, flux boundary, horizontal flow barrier, well boundary, non-linear characteristics of soils and dynamic change of permeability coefficient with stress state.
The paper presents the research into the stress state of roller teeth using FEM (finite element method). The results show that different structure parameter causes a change in roll stress.
Based on this variation of mechanical state at the earthquake fault, the additional stress given rise on its surroundings and the stress change of this process have been computed and analyzed.
Next the temperature change possesses the notable influence not to allow the ignorance to the stress state of structure in revolving the course.
Stress field is the power of structural deformation and movement, which causes the change of geologic environment, trap conditions and stress state.
The authors hold that the mechanical state and the change of tectonic stress fields of earth's crust are the most direct factors in seismic precursors.
Stress means the synthesis reaction or state in organism which including spirit, nerve, endocrine and immunity system, etc. while drastic change of environment factors in internal and external.
Result:The value of state anxiety of training group decreased significantly after training, the trait anxiety and competition results in stress have no significantly change.
Result:The value of state anxiety of training group decreased significantly after training, the trait anxiety and competition results in stress have no significantly change.