Taxonomies that change very little typically have few editors or owners, and the model updates are not required to flow immediately to other systems.
A big change for the development team will be the development of user stories by the Product Owners.
In the meantime, he and the other people who run Vegas believe the deck will get reshuffled and new players will sit down at the table as casino owners, but the game itself won't change.
In turn, owners' equivalent rent has risen too, even though homeowners have seen no change in the actual costs of owning their house.
No one wants to change 40,000 file owners, one at a time.
没有人愿意一次一个地更改 40,000 个文件所有者。
Figure 2 shows the process flow for artwork change management, the owners of particular steps, and the critical documents that are produced.
The only thing that might radically change is that more owners might have more money to field better teams, increasing parity and popularity while ensuring survival.
New owners, more revenues—and a change in the Euroworks?
The issue at these companies is the lack of effective owners, and things like pay limits don't change that.
I am pleased to know that more and more the local villagers, whose clothing doesn't have much of change though, now become the owners of their private cars, some of which are worthy of 200,000 YUAN.
觉得LZ应该不要删改原文,我试翻译下第二句: 开小汽车的乡亲开始多见,虽然他们穿衣打扮还没有太多的改变,但当我看到他们开上价值20多万的汽车时,我很是欣喜。
The second change is an influx of new owners such as Malcolm Glazer, an American who paid GBP 790m to take over Manchester United in 2005.
Default ClearQuest owners (which may be groups or lists of users) get automatic email notification regarding the new change request submission.
A pet rabbit in Xiamen, Fujian loves South Korean TV soap operas so much that she attacks her owners or bites their pillow if they dare change the channel, South Korean media reported.
Under the old system, car-owners had to change their plates every time they moved from one département to another.
E your reporting relationship within the organization may not change, you will be introduced to a group known as process owners.
Many owners of bright lights disrelish oneself, to store enough to honor the modified lamp, some owners are simply change xenon headlamps.
First, while your reporting relationship within the organization may not change, you will be introduced to a group known as process owners.
Restaurant owners may change their minds and menus this holiday season, however, and be more apt to offer holiday bargains in hopes of getting people in the door.
However, it is important for car owners to make sure that they make use of a disposal valve when they change the radiator coolant.
It also has the ability to change according to its owners will and can be repaired instantly if a car part complements the damaged area.
Registers must be constantly amended as shares are bought and sold and the owners change.
For instance, owners and shareholders would be impacted by organisation change, because those changes will directly impact on business profit.
Owners can easily be enrolled to accept such diet change because they feel they are involved in doing something constructive.
PC owners can breathe a sigh of relief: There will in any case in "FIFA 10" little change to its predecessor.
To help owners audit claims construction unit cost of the proposed change and provide advice to the owners;
Anyone who expected the scandals of 2001 to bring about rapid change in the balance of power between managers and owners was, at best, naive.
That's likely to change, but Congress should do more to improve energy efficiency, such as offering greater incentives for owners of alternative-fuel vehicles.
That's likely to change, but Congress should do more to improve energy efficiency, such as offering greater incentives for owners of alternative-fuel vehicles.