High pressure solidification, as an extreme solidification condition, can provide a new approach to change the structural morphology in the alloy.
As informatization progresses in society, the cause and structural nature of social inequality change as well.
The answer was to promote structural change and industrialisation in Latin America.
That is salutary for the many countries that have yet to change public expectations enough to make big, painful structural changes more acceptable.
The legal business has undergone not only recession but also structural change.
For as well as conveying a rise in purchasing power to consumers, the high exchange rate is exerting a powerful force for structural change.
The scale of structural change that these institutions face is relatively limited.
The obvious question iswhether all this is merely a cyclical upswing or whether Germany hasundergone some deeper, structural change.
The export drop "might plausibly have been viewed as being a largely transitory phenomenon", reflecting global conditions rather than a structural change in the economy.
The export drop “might plausibly have been viewed as being a largely transitory phenomenon”, reflecting global conditions rather than a structural change in the economy.
The protein in question is bacteriorhodopsin (bR), a molecule that undergoes a structural change when it absorbs light.
If the new hire is part of a structural change, Ms. Lawson recommends managers be as open as possible with existing staff to avoid tension.
If the brands do not raise the unit price and change their purchasing practices, no structural change in working conditions in the toy industry is feasible.
To others, it is in the midst of a structural change that could end up damaging America’s ability to create the next Google or Microsoft.
In America the crisis marks a structural change for a swathe of consumers who should not have bought properties in the first place and will not be able to in future.
At the same time, fundamental structural change must accompany the exchange rate adjustments.
Once we get a couple of hundred entrepreneurs, people who have bet their lives are gonna cause major structural change in this field. From all over the world, it's not us.
Successful agile implementations need executive champions, stakeholder buy-in and structural change in the organization - and these can only happen through executive sponsorship.
Mr Stiglitz argues that finance needs some structural change—the too-big-to-fail banks need to be broken up—and more and better regulation.
The second important structural change is the structure of energy shifted from conventional coal-based to more clean energy consumption, including natural gas, wind, solar.
Sieves soaks with adjoins to the structural relation the change under the physiological condition is meaningful, but in pathology situation, then the significance is not big.
It is shown in research that because of the structural change of the Liquid Floated Accelerometer in OAVCE, there is more severe error which can not be found in single environment test.
The structural change in Czech's urban transport is introduced.
The Continuous-time structural change models were studied.
It is shown that because of the structural change of inertial instruments in OAVCE, there is more severe error which can not be found in single environment test.
In the course of the institutional change, the change of balanced institution which is adapted to the actual circumstances is the decisive factor of the structural efficiency of dynamic institution.
With financial markets in turmoil, the economy slowing down and Wall Street undergoing a profound structural change, many people are deciding that now is a good time to head back to school.
In the long term, however, the greatest uncertainty is not cyclical, but structural, as online firms change the industry's shape.
In the long term, however, the greatest uncertainty is not cyclical, but structural, as online firms change the industry's shape.