If you change the name of the style class from sortHeader, any new styles specified in the stylesheet must have _sortasc-img and _sortasc suffixes to work properly.
如果您从更改了这个来自于sortheader样式表类型的名称,那么样式表中详细说明的任何新样式都必须有_ sortasc - img和_sortasc suffixes后缀才能正常工作。
This requires school departments change work style, establish a highly efficient, standardized and orderly management system, changing the old system of incommensurate change.
Most of the people with an unhealthy work style can change their thinking, correct their mistakes and continue to progress.
If we want the Freeters really become a new perfect form of work, it requires the change in the social environment and the series fundamental change of people's living style.
If we want the Freeters really become a new perfect form of work, it requires the change in the social environment and the series fundamental change of people's living style.