Research on channel allocation schemes for GPRS networks;
An adaptive hybrid channel allocation scheme applied to cellular system is proposed.
The application of GCM-FIFO channel allocation strategy is particularly discussed as well.
One subscriber traffic model and dynamic channel allocation policy in coaxial networks is discussed.
The invention relates to a method of implementing dynamic channel allocation in a cellular radio system.
Dual rate, Half rate preferred, Change allowed after first channel allocation as a result of the request.
For this reason, the layout channel allocation and power supply of emergency communication system are studied.
However, as we know that the wireless system is a band-limited system, so the channel allocation algorithm is very important.
Then, the collected uplink and downlink interference measurements are analyzed in accordance with an adaptive channel allocation strategy.
Secondly, a utility function based adaptive channel allocation scheme is proposed and the corresponding mathematical model is established.
To some extent, this protocol implements a channel allocation strategy which increases the throughput and improves the system performance.
In addition, topology control can also be realized by the technology of channel allocation and adjust the direction of directional antennal, and so on.
However, wireless system is a band limited system, and the channel allocation algorithm affects the performance of the wireless DP server network directly.
On the other hand, signal-to-noise ratio is estimated to provide a switching and power control and channel allocation algorithm for the channel quality information.
The invention adopts the prediction method of parallel processing with the video compression process and avoids the time delay caused by prediction and channel allocation.
Dual rate, channel preference indicated by the Speech coder preference, Changes between full rate and half rate allowed after first channel allocation as a result of the request.
Dual rate, channel preference indicated by the Speech coder preference, changes between full rate and half rate Not allowed after first channel allocation as a result of the request.
DRSC Dual rate, channel preference indicated by the Speech coder preference, Changes between full rate and half rate allowed after first channel allocation as a result of the request.
By comparing several typical channel assignment algorithms, combined with its own characteristics of LEO satellite systems, an improved adaptive channel allocation strategy was designed.
DRSN Dual rate, channel preference indicated by the Speech coder preference, changes between full rate and half rate Not allowed after first channel allocation as a result of the request.
It's also observed that, when the channel information is not sufficiently reliable, extending the channel allocation unit can, to some extent, lessen the impact of channel information error.
For a given spectrum, effective allocation and management of channel resource is one of the important methods for solving this problem.
Multi-Radio Multi-Channel (MRMC) allocation problem is the key is- sue in MRMC techniques.
This algorithm combined sub-carrier allocation in the physical(PHY) layer with traffic scheduling at the data link layer (DLL) by employing the channel state information.
A dynamic rate allocation method is presented which is based on the compression rate of image source coder, channel rate, channel characters and their influence on the distortion of progressive image.
This paper provides a calculating method to acquire the optimal allocation scheme for various types of channel according to a certain given demand for lost call rate and total channels.
Fifth, strengthen channel integration to optimize resource allocation.
Based on the concepts of broadcast channel and multiple access channel, a novel half-duplex relay strategy was proposed, and optimal resource allocation under this strategy was investigated.
Based on the characteristic of multi-path frequency selective channel, the algorithm combines rapid table lookup and Lagrange-multiplier method to iteratively search the optimal bit allocation scheme.
The channel capacity of multitone systems is analyzed. Based on two bit allocation algorithms, a simple bit allocation algorithm is proposed, and simulation results over different channels are given.