The remote XML data is serialized into a character data type
Some applications create tables with columns of character data type only.
You can declare a new NAMESPACE constant, which is implicitly made a constant and from the character data type.
However, if the column is a character data type and contains only numeric characters, you can indicate this by setting the NUMERIC_STRING option to 'y.'
Resolution: The schema DDL generated by the EJB components uses the data type CHARACTER for the column by default.
解决方案:由EJB组件生成的模式DDL 在默认情况下对列使用的数据类型是 CHARACTER。
The constructor can take a simple built-in numerical type or character data.
The input parameter named "P1" is of data type integer, the other input parameter "P2" is of type character.
输入参数 “P1”的数据类型是整型,另一个输入参数 “P2” 的数据类型是字符型。
The result of the function is returned as a CLOB (Character Large Object) data type that can hold up to 1 MB of data.
函数的结果会以CLOB(字符型大型对象)数据类型的形式返回,可容纳1MB 的数据。
The CLOB data type is defined as a character large object capable of storing characters up to 2,147,483,647 long.
Content-Transfer-Encoding is used to specify the type of transfer encoding, that is, whether data that you want to transfer is in character or binary format.
Content - Transfer - Encoding用来指定传输编码的类型,也就是您所要传输的数据是字符格式还是二进制格式。
When you select this option, a database column defined with a Date data type is defined in the type tree as a character text string.
The type char is used to represent character data and is covered in Chapter 8.
The third article in this series, " Exploring the Python type hierarchy, Introducing Strings," introduces the Python string, which is also an immutable sequence, but only for character data.
本系列的第三篇文章探索Python类型的层次结构 —— 使用字符串介绍了 Pythonstring,这也是一个不可变的序列,但仅针对字符数据。
Derby provides two simple techniques for storing character data: the char type and the VARCHAR type, which are detailed in Table 3.
For detailed information on all of these types of data, consider reading the UNIX man page on nm, where each type is described by the character codes shown in the output of the command.
有关这些类型的数据的详细信息,可以阅读UNIX 中nm 的man页面,其中按照该命令输出中的字符编码分别对每种类型进行了描述。
Numeric used only character type codes when specifying data types (but initializers in Numarray can still accept the old character codes).
In addition to numerical data, the other most popular type of data to store in a database is character data.
ISO12200 specified the tags, entry structures, character encoding, document structure and document type definition, which are used when terminology data are interchanged in MARTIF format.
ISO 12200规定了以MARTIF格式交换术语数据时使用的置标标记、条目结构、字符编码、文件结构和文件类型定义。
Found location in operations with character-type data objects.
An instance is typically named for the type of environment it supports, it often has a three-character name, and its data is contained in a separate database from other instances.
The solution is to alter all TEXT and related fields to their binary counterparts, then alter the character set and finally change the binary data type fields back to TEXT.
After analyzing data and comparing automobile type of data ware, the max-data as criterion of vehicle classification, whole sample's data as character parameter of pattern matching.
You can coerce a literal to a particular data type in two ways: by appending a type character to it, or by placing it within enclosing characters.
You can coerce a literal to a particular data type in two ways: by appending a type character to it, or by placing it within enclosing characters.