For all the facts given in the news - the plane's Sicilian base, the missile's weight and length and breadth and cost - one simple detail is left out: Who is in charge of the bombing?
You mean the threat in her husband's letter? What weight would that carry? It's no more than the vague charge of an angry blackguard.
They are one of the most popular types of battery for portable electronics, with one of the best energy-to-weight ratios, no memory effect, and a slow loss of charge when not in use.
She had that "aha moment" in the summer of 2009 when an old photo of her slimmer self made her decide it was time she took charge of her weight.
The physical model of cantilever board in bench blasting is firstly presented and based on the hypothesis, a formula for calculating the charge weight in the MS delay bench blasting is also derived.
The charge weight, charge placement(in profile) and depth of charges are important factors in design of Explosive Compaction for saturated loose sand.
In this paper, the blasting design was introduced, including the layout of charged Chambers, the selection of blasting parameters, charge weight, charging structure and priming network.
The important means to effectively restrain overloads is to charge by weight, and the key technology of charging by weight is weight in motion.
In the paper, the charge weight is discussed using the energy method, and the charge weight of the first hole-springing explosion is determined for deep-hole springing blasting.
Strengthening the charge weight in the charge holes of the certain areas in the two sides falling to the axis makes the blasting succeed.
The charge weight formula, design method and safety precaution in the construction are herewith presented.
The charge weight, charge placement (in profile) and depth of charges are important factors in design of explosive compaction for saturated loose sand.
In China, most freshwater anglers go to man-made ponds which charge fees based on the number and weight of fish caught;
In China, most freshwater anglers go to man-made ponds which charge fees based on the number and weight of fish caught;