A passive loop filter scheme and the design method of the filter for current charge pump PLL frequency synthesizer chip are given in the paper.
In this thesis, a high-speed, low-power and third-order current-mode charge-pump PLL is designed according to the CDMA standard by in-depth analyzing and researching the principle of PLL.
通过对锁相环原理进行深入的分析和研究,本论文针对CD MA无线通信标准,设计出了高速低功耗三阶电流型电荷泵锁相环。
A novel multi-layer Charge-Pump Phase-Locked Loop (CP-PLL) behavioral model is presented in this paper.
Because of the merit of integrated easily, low power, low jitter, small phase difference error and big capture scale, the CPPLL (Charge-pump PLL) has become one of the major digital PLL product.
Because of the merit of integrated easily, low power, low jitter, small phase difference error and big capture scale, the CPPLL (Charge-pump PLL) has become one of the major digital PLL product.