You could put the calling thread to sleep for a little bit, say three seconds between each check, but then your threaded code wouldn't be optimally responsive.
The too generically -- and perhaps a bit wrongly -- named 'XML Parser' is a somewhat older tool to check the syntacticality and well-formedness of an XML document (but not to validate against a DTD).
“XML语法分析器”这个叫法太笼统,也许还不太确切,实际上它是一种比较旧的工具,用于检查 XML文档是否符合句法以及其结构是否完好(但对于 DTD 无效)。
Check the "Quick Beginnings for DB2 Servers" for recommendations on tuning kernel parameters on 32-bit HP-UX platforms.
查看“QuickBeginnings forDB 2Servers ”以获得对32位HP - UX平台上调优内核参数的建议。
The other way is a bit of what's called "defensive programming." We simply change the cookie check to look like this.
In the meantime, check out this other bit of NASA promo hilarity: Space Your Face, where an animated astronaut with whatever picture you want in its helmet boogies on the moon or Mars.
For something a bit different, whynot check out the famous Laughing Buddha at Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, justsouth west of Shanghai.
But when you're looking at something you care about, or when you're just suspicious, isn't it worth taking a little extra time to check just a bit further?
If you do want something a bit more professional than a hand written or typed contract, you can check out some online resources that offer standard work agreements.
There is quite a bit of logic required to prefill a little list-box and check box.
If you check emails, website statistics, RSS-feeds, forums a bit compulsively think about why you are doing it.
You are a bit scatty so you don't check names on payslips before opening them.
I'm not authorized to go any higher, but during the evening I'll check with my people and see if we can sweeten our offer a bit.
Toread more on this neat bit of financial engineering, check out this research paper (.pdf file).
I was saying a little bit earlier, when I had a few minutes to check with Vincent.
Initially he was a bit shocked but I gave him a check-over and tried to avoid any further injuries and after the initial shock he seemed fine so we carried on for another couple of hours.
A man with a prosthetic arm asked me to coat check it because the table was a little bit crowded. He just removed his arm and handed it to me: "Can you take this?"
He has a beard and knows a bit about databases。” Less than 40 per cent of businesses bother to check academic and professional qualifications。
The quickest way to check whether at could be made to run by a non-root user without being setuid root is to remove the setuid bit and then grant it all capabilities.
要想查明非根用户是否可以运行不带setuid位的at,最快的方法是删除 setuid 位,然后授予所有能力
If this turns into a common problem — perhaps a certain script or servlet is offline quite a bit — you might want to check for the URL before making a full GET or POST request.
If you're using Windows, check out our Answers article on how to know if you're running the 32 or 64-bit version.
A check bit is an extra bit attached to the end of a byte for purposes of checking for accuracy.
Check bit of divide operation circuits of rs codes is realized by using shift registers.
The Colorblind Filter site is a bit slow at the moment but if you created a website and you're not color blind, you can check how well your intended color scheme fares.
She is living from check to check and is burning through a little bit of her savings.
If it is less, you probably want to add a bit of sugar syrup and stir, then check again.
Jean: Mon, I am serious. Come and check this out. You are just a bit overweight. But you have such beautiful eyes.
Well all in all a little bit of loneliness is good for a self-analysis to keep a check over your actions.
"That prompting allowed me to think a little bit more carefully about a nagging problem I was putting off or that I might not have remembered to mention at an annual check-up, " he said.
Check the bit O. D. with a bit gauge.
Check the bit O. D. with a bit gauge.