Draws a check box control in the specified state, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds.
Draws a check box control in the specified state and location, with the specified text and image, and with an optional focus rectangle.
By monitoring messages sent to the parent window of your check box control (and checking the control by mouse), I noticed one WM_COMMAND message and two WM_NOTIFY messages.
Repeat the same process for a control channel adapter for redundancy, but do not select the Access External Network check box.
对于冗余控制通道适配器,重复相同的过程,但是不选中AccessExternalNet work复选框。
You should select the Binds to multi-valued check box if the control would normally bind to a collection or array (that is, if the data is multi-valued).
When the "Inputting data" radio button is selected, Check Box will be at the top of the control types list.
当您选中“Inputtingdata”单选按钮时,Check Box将会位于控件类型列表的顶部。
Clear the tick or check mark on the box beside the Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer option.
Link the control box to power and start carriage to check its moving direction.
Check control box it is connected completeness and exactness.
Select the check box to display source control (version control) items after they are deleted.
PC board design adopted inside control box for easy check and fix.
控制箱内部采p C板设计,检修容易。
The message is sent to the parent control of the check box, using the handle of the control as the fourth parameter.
The measurement control and orientation check method to the sink of the steel suspension-box are studied, and analyzed the orientation check precision.
One of these properties is the control type, which defines its basic appearance and functionality as a single recognizable entity: for example, a button or check box.
When this check box is selected, a graphic marker is displayed to identify each server control and distinguish it from plain HTML elements.
For example, a check box at the beginning of a row in a grid control that is used to select the row (used to manipulate the content) appears in the control view but not in the content view.
For example, a check box at the beginning of a row in a grid control that is used to select the row (used to manipulate the content) appears in the control view but not in the content view.