One form has a check box list.
If required, several data sources can be configured for one location by selecting the desired data sources from the check box list on the left-hand side of the dialog.
Check the box 123 and select Edit attributes from the action list.
After the list of matching and available machines loads, select the check box next to the machines that you want to reserve.
When the "Inputting data" radio button is selected, Check Box will be at the top of the control types list.
当您选中“Inputtingdata”单选按钮时,Check Box将会位于控件类型列表的顶部。
Rational Team Concert does not recognize this check box; Rational Team Concert allows multiple values for parameters shown as a list box and single values for parameters shown as a combo box.
RationalTeamConcert并不会识别到该复选框;rational Team Concert支持参数的多个值显示为一个列表框,而参数的单个值显示为一个组合框。
A list of locations is retrieved from the location Data Service, and this list is then iterated through, and a check box is rendered for each state.
There is quite a bit of logic required to prefill a little list-box and check box.
Select new server from the list and select the Create a new local server check box.
从列表中选择newserver,然后选择Createa newlocal server复选框。
This is shown in more than one check box having a list box.
Simply use the link entitled Check past comments against moderation list, which is located underneath the text box containing moderation keys.
Please check whether the objects in the package box are in accordance with the above list.
Unpack the packing box, and check the packing list.
Open the packing box, and check the packing list.
A grayed box with a check indicates that only part of the component will be installed. To select all components in the Option list, click select all.
If you disable all three tests, the test lists check box becomes disabled, because there are no tests in this test list that can be selected.
Select the check box next to a performance object's name to view the list of individual performance counters that it supports.
Use a secondary data connection to validate unit tests check box, and click a database connection in the list if you want test execution to be validated against a different database connection.
To switch an object on or off, either click the check box alongside the object name with the mouse, or select the appropriate line in the list and press on the keyboard.
用鼠标选中星体名前的单选框或者选中星体名然后按<空格键> 均可激活该星体。
In the list of Categories box, just check the box to the left of each Category to associate with the Link.
Task List window has a check in the check box column.
Task List window has a check in the check box column.