Please check one or more fields to make available as data fields.
You must pick at least one field to be a data field. Please check one or more fields to make available as data fields.
If there are one or more attribute groups in the project that are applicable to the selected type, check boxes will show you the options (Figure 16).
In this simple example, the delete method of the customer class contains appropriate code to check if one or more orders for this customer still exist.
You can select one or more check boxes in the Task, Topic, or Document Type sections to refine the content in the page.
This is welcome news for anyone who needs to check Gmail from more than one platform, since you can adjust to fit a computer, browser, or smart phone.
Some actions take more than one parameter -- check the documentation for the action (if available) or the WordPress source code for more information.
Email.. Just check and process your email during one chunk of time once per day. Instead of checking it 10 times or more each day.
Finally, take one more minute to check spelling mistakes or logical flaws of your CV and cover letter before you send them out. Good luck!
最后,在寄出你的简历和求职信之前,多花一分钟时间检查拼写错误或逻辑漏洞,这不会是无用功。祝你好运! !
To all orthodontics patients , one free check up & teeth cleaning for your parents or friends ! new ortho - people will be given more benefit ! enjoy it in summer.
Check out this list of 30 new things to do today and pick one or more!
This allows the threshold check for a performance counter value to be relative to one or more other performance counter values.
A check constraint specifies the data values or formats that are acceptable in one or more columns in a table.
This system call allows your program to check for input, output, or error conditions on one or more file descriptors.
One night room charge will be imposed for all amendment or cancellation of scheduled arrival, if you don't do it in more than15days before the check-in day.
News of a commission, bonus, advance, or other chunk of cash may come your way July 7, plus or minus one week. You may have to write a check too, but it appears more money will flow in than goes out.
If more than one check in particular crossed to the bank, unless it crossed the bank to its collection agent, or the drawee bank had refused to pay.
If more than one check in particular crossed to the bank, unless it crossed the bank to its collection agent, or the drawee bank had refused to pay.